Hi! We’re bettyquette (prounounced betty-kit)

We make honest, natural face and body oils that actually work.

And it all happened by accident….

Kirsten Smith Bettyquette Founder

ABOUT BETTYQUETTE – the story behind the brand

In 2015 I was diagnosed with a life changing condition known as Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH). It’s a condition that, for me, occurred without a detectable cause (idiopathic) and involves high pressure within the spaces that surround the brain and spinal cord (intracrancial hypertension).

These spaces are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and resulted in migranes, visual loss, poor peripheral vision, short episodes of blindness and damage to my optic nerves. All the glam things!

I’ve always loved face oils but once I was on a mission to beat my IIH into remission, the cocktail of medication required to make this happen took a huge toll on my body and my skin.

Products my skin loved were no longer doing their thing and I found myself searching for a face oil that was packed with natural, effective goodness.

The accidental skin care brand begins

Unable to find what I was looking for, I asked my blending expert husband if he could create one for me. He did, I began using it and within a few weeks family, friends and members of my decade strong blogging community, Kirsten and co, began asking what I was using to achieve my newly improved glowing skin.

I wondered if the simple, effective face oil Scott had created for me could help others with their skin needs too. Turns out it could.

Launching and disrupting

Our first products launched in 2017 and sold out within 24 hours. 

Fast forward to 2021 and the Bettyquette range of natural face and body products are now helping thousands of women achieve gorgeous, glowing skin.

Discover the full range here and enjoy!

Kirsten and Scott

Who is Betty?

Betty is educated, deep, witty, simple and young at heart.

She is naturally beautiful, honest, brave, loyal and nurturing.

She is the whole package; balanced, quirky, open-minded, complex and flawed.

She can be raw with her words, and gentle with her touch.

She is soulful, connected and driven. A modern day triple-threat, a go-getter. (Urban Dictionary, 2013)

Betty is you, Betty is me and Betty was also my grandma.

What is bettyquette?

We believe that true etiquette begins by showing respect for others, being honest and transparent at all times, putting others at ease and being kind to yourself and those around you.

Combine betty with etiquette and you’ve got yourself bettyquette®

It’s honest, natural beauty for the betty in all of us.


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