by Caley Joelle | Jan 2, 2018 | Bettyquette
Unsure about how to use a body oil? Our resident bettyquette Blogger, Caley Joelle, shares her tips on 5 ways to incorporate bettyquette Body Oils into your daily routine. The much-anticipated launch of bettyquette body oils has finally arrived, and to say I was...
by Caley Joelle | Nov 13, 2017 | Bettyquette
Here at bettyquette we’re big fans of almond oil. It’s in both our day face oil – Get Up And Glow® – and our night face oil – Sleep On It®. Almond oil will also be in our new range of Bettyquette Body Oils. Yes, three different Body Oil...
by Robyn de Beer | Oct 18, 2017 | Bettyquette
Looking after yourself – or self-care as it’s often called – shouldn’t be complicated or time-consuming. But what exactly is self-care and why do we need it? Self-care is the practice of taking time to do activities that nurture your mind, body...
by Robyn de Beer | Aug 2, 2017 | Bettyquette
If there’s one thing we love here at Bettyquette HQ it’s seeing your photos of your face oils on Instagram. When we pack your order it’s done with a lot of love and care. So much so, that I may have asked old mate down at the post office if he...